The 4 advantages of walking Unknown 15:40 0 Walking has always been part of the life of Man, it is a vital and essential activity, it goes without saying. Yet, in Western cou...
Abdominal Program Unknown 12:02 0 The tonicity of the abdominal wall is ensured by the abdominals. An abdominal program allows you to improve the strength and...
Exercises: the 7 best training programs Unknown 06:40 0 Exercises: the 7 best training programs Too hasty to go train to the gym? You will no longer have an excuse! Here a...
The benefits of walking and conditions Unknown 16:16 0 The benefits of walking and conditions Is the walking of the best kinds of sports that you can start with your soft...
Top 5 Sports for belly taut Unknown 16:02 0 Top 5 Sports for belly taut The adoption of the diet and diet may hide you from the quantity and size of fat...
Best exercise for agility and bodybuilding Unknown 15:17 2 Best exercise for agility and bodybuilding Provide fitness training, five important elements of good health. In or...
How to avoid injury during exercise ?? Unknown 05:36 0 How to avoid injury during exercise ?? Degree different types of sport that we practice between walking and jogging , aerobi...
How can you run long distances without feeling tired ?! Unknown 04:43 0 How can you run long distances without feeling tired ?! 1 Make sure you are being properly before it is seeking to incr...
The best ways to lose weight and maintain your fitness Unknown 04:17 0 The best ways to lose weight and maintain your fitness 1 eating healthy foods : To be able to lose weight you need to eat...
How do you design a fitness program Unknown 04:04 0 How do you design a fitness program When we talk about fitness strenuous workouts, the options seem infinite with inc...
Fitness and endurance development programs Unknown 06:07 0 Fitness and endurance development programs Here we start making methods workouts raise the fitness level Nor Tsnoa,, cardi...
Alzumba exercises and their importance to flatten the abdomen Unknown 05:14 0 Alzumba exercises and their importance to flatten the abdomen Exercises Alzumba of exercises that have become widespread in the worl...
The importance of diversification in various exercises and factoring Unknown 04:50 0 The importance of diversification in various exercises and factoring : More of the problems between those who practiced bodyb...
Why feel the pain after exercise? Unknown 04:29 2 Why feel the pain after exercise ? Pain after exercise is not always carries the meaning that you trained the ...
Five steps to start a fitness program Unknown 04:20 0 Five steps to start a fitness program Do you consider that a fitness program begins so you get the body healthy and...